Are you ready to make great strides in your business? Good. So are we.

Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting has a rich history working with a broad national and global clientele spanning the worlds of entertainment, lifetstyle, real estate, sports, events, and philanthropic endeavors. Our clients trust that we will ensure brand integrity by taking creative, strategic approaches to provide positive and productive exposure. We build clear, authentic narratives so our clients can effectively tell their stories to the world. We are also adept at crisis management if the need should arise. So, what is your story? And how can Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting help guide you on your journey?

Who We Are

Our client list includes A-List talent, top-tier brands, and industry leaders.

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President and CEO

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Cheryl J. Kagan Innovative Strategies and Solutions for Success

WHO ARE WE? An accomplished company offering creative strategies and solutions to excel our clients’ growth by redefining project management, consulting, and PR opportunities. Our approach is client-centric, focused on result-oriented innovation. We partner with our clients to ensure exceptional growth year after year. We are the next big step in your business journey.

What We Can Do For You

What We Are About

Communication is key. Our client-centric approach incorporates individualized concepts and innovative strategies that work for your game plan. We believe success comes from bold, dynamic narratives crafted to influence and move your business forward. Your victories are our victories. Our company has worked with high-profile, A-list clients and we do everything in our power to elevate our clients and events, accelerate their success, and place them in the forefront of important conversations.

Client List

Cheryl J. Kagan

Cheryl J. Kagan has extensive experience working in conjunction with teams representing agencies, corporations, charities and networks as well as helming her own successful company, Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting. With a soup-to-nuts approach to client needs, Cheryl J. Kagan is able to provide her clients more than just a cookie-cutter to-do list, or curate a social media presence; Cheryl provides everything from crisis management to creative strategies for brand management and reputation.

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Cheryl J. Kagan Innovative Strategies and Solutions for Success

WHO ARE WE? An accomplished company offering creative strategies and solutions to excel our clients’ growth by redefining project management, consulting, and PR opportunities. Our approach is client-centric, focused on result-oriented innovation. We partner with our clients to ensure exceptional growth year after year. We are the next big step in your business journey.

What We Can Do For You

Are you ready to make great strides in your business? Good. So are we.

Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting has a rich history working with a broad national and global clientele spanning the worlds of entertainment, lifetstyle, real estate, sports, events, and philanthropic endeavors. Our clients trust that we will ensure brand integrity by taking creative, strategic approaches to provide positive and productive exposure. We build clear, authentic narratives so our clients can effectively tell their stories to the world. We are also adept at crisis management if the need should arise. So, what is your story? And how can Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting help guide you on your journey?

Who We Are

What We Are About

Communication is key. Our client-centric approach incorporates individualized concepts and innovative strategies that work for your game plan. We believe success comes from bold, dynamic narratives crafted to influence and move your business forward. Your victories are our victories. Our company has worked with high-profile, A-list clients and we do everything in our power to elevate our clients and events, accelerate their success, and place them in the forefront of important conversations.

Client List

Our client list includes A-List talent, top-tier brands, and industry leaders.

See Full Client List
President and CEO

Cheryl J. Kagan

Cheryl J. Kagan has extensive experience working in conjunction with teams representing agencies, corporations, charities and networks as well as helming her own successful company, Cheryl J. Kagan Image, Project & Public Relations Consulting. With a soup-to-nuts approach to client needs, Cheryl J. Kagan is able to provide her clients more than just a cookie-cutter to-do list, or curate a social media presence; Cheryl provides everything from crisis management to creative strategies for brand management and reputation.

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